The Lady of Time
Abilyn Vieira
Age: 17 years old.
Acts: Spinning lyra, cube, duo trapeze, partner acrobatics.
Year: 8
A Paper Doll
Adeline Lake-Short
Age: 9
Acts: Hammock, duo trapeze, partner acrobatics, poi.
Year: 1
The Traveling Salesman
Amae Unter
Age: 11
Acts: Poi, clown, chandelier, umbrella dance.
The Golden Man
Anjali Chakrabarti
Age: 14
Acts: Bubble-lyra, duo rope, partner acrobatics, umbrella.
Year: 4
Mr. Book McShelf
Avery Geisert
Age: 13
Acts: Clown, bedframe, aerial silk, tube.
The Invisible Man's Best Friend
(and The Invisible Man)
Aya Rokeach
Age: 17
Acts: Poi, partner acrobatics, The Invisible Man, umbrella dance.
The Woman of Light
Callie Ciruli
Age: 12
Acts: Multi-silk, chandelier, poi.
The Harlequin Doll
Casey Lavine
Age: 8
Acts: Ladder, partner acrobatics.
A Butterfly
Dubbs Sykes
Acts: Open net, tube, poi.
Mr. Midnight
Evaline Flamer
Age: 18
Acts: Clown, cube, cloud swing, partner acrobatics, juggling.
Year: 9
The Frog Kid
Holiday Williams
Acts: Ladder, duo bungee, duo trapeze, partner acrobatics.
Raggedy Ann
Isla Hazer
Acts: Aerial silk, rope, duo rope, partner acrobatics.
Year: 3
Knight of Dreamland
Bijou "Jaelynn" Lescure
Acts: Contortion, trampoline, tube, partner acrobatics, handloop.
The Sky-Paper Delivery Girl
Lila Kremer
Acts: Contortion, bike, tube.
Year: 2
The Wise Woman
Lily Homerick
Acts: Bubble-lyra, chandelier, partner acrobatics.
The Woman of Many Hats
Lotta Riering-Czekella
Acts: Swinging trapeze, bedframe, clown, poi, tube.
The Queen's Right-Hand
Maggie Liu
Age: 15
Acts: Contortion, hand-balancing, handloop, web, umbrella dance.
The Lady of Hope and Rainbows
Mari Dougan
Acts: Multi-silk, chandelier, poi, umbrella dance.
Paisley Kuoh
Acts: Aerial silk, bedframe, trampoline, poi.
The Queen of Dreamland
Reina Lee
Age: 16
Acts: Loops, dance, partner acrobatics, web, umbrella dance.
Year: 5
The Child from the Painting
Shirley Schroeder
Age: 10
Acts: Duo bungee, trampoline, tube, partner acrobatics.
Shoshana Goldman
Acts: Contortion, chair, partner acrobatics.
The Woman of Water
Siena Ingraham
Acts: Duo bungee, duo trapeze, partner acrobatics, dance, umbrella dance.
Stella Jurado
Acts: Bike, cloud swing, duo cloud swing, trampoline, umbrella dance.
The Golden Woman
Tuesday Solomon
Acts: Tube, umbrella, partner acrobatics, umbrella dance.
Ula Fricke
Acts: Multi-silk, hammock, poi, tube, umbrella dance.
The Zoologist
Zella Hoffman
Acts: Duo bungee, multi-silk, hula-hoop, partner acrobatics, umbrella dance.
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